Saturday, June 18, 2011

Foodz Pornz!!!

So I prepped a TON of food today! I now have whole wheat pasta, regular pasta & brown rice prepped and hopefully it will last most of the week! I also updated my Spark nutrition favorites with the new food and it should be easy to track my food throughout the week!

For dinner - I used some of the regular pasta and made up an awesome meal for us all!!

And so I give you Pasta with sausage, white beans & broccoli!!!


This recipe made a TON of food and we have enough for lunch tomorrow as well!! When it was all prepared, the whole meal was 346 Calories, 9g of Fat, 15g of Protein, 50g of Carbs, 550mg of Sodium, 8g of Fiber, 467mg of Potassium! It was DAMN tasty too! I think the next time I make it, I'll use whole wheat pasta and add an extra flavor - like maybe some feta cheese or gorgonzola. Hmm...lots of opportunities for awesomeness with this one and we'll keep it in our recipe arsenal for the future!

Now I'm all excited to test out all the other recipes I have planned (all of which are 400 calories or less BTW!!!) WAHOO for healthy foodz pornz!!!

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