Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Hey everyone! I had a great run today and feel awesome! Nutrition has been great (snuck a peek at the scale this morning and it read 175.4 this morning!!!!) so things are definitely going in the right direction! I just might hit my goal of 174lbs by my weigh in on Friday/Saturday! Woot! Even though I'm down to 175-ish, I feel a little bloated and squishy today - so I'm hoping for a nice little woosh in the next few days so I feel lean and strong again.

The next 3 days are all Zumba days - hopefully they go well! I don't get another running day until Sunday, but I might sneak in some quick miles here and there just to help keep me moving. I finalized the schedule for the After School program - I managed to fit all 5 schools into 3 days (Tuesday through Thursday) and things are definitely going to be getting busy this September, but it will totally be worth it! I sent everything off to the director of the program and hopefully it will all get the "okay" and we will be good. Unfortunately, I don't think I can change around the schedule that much more to work around the stuff I've already got going on - so part of me really hopes that it works for them as well and that I don't need to make any additional changes.

Okay - now back to today's run. I was a little concerned since this is the longest stretch of running intervals in the full workout, but I totally rocked it! Today was two full rounds of 8 mins each, and I held my pace at the solid 6.5 MPH without really struggling at all - which really makes me excited about my solid 20 min run on Sunday! I was able to settle into each of my intervals and just really enjoy the experience of running. I also mixed in "halfway" reminders into my music playlists, so it made it really easy for me to gauge how long I'd already ran. It was really a struggle though for me to fit it into my lunch today (I only had about a minute to spare when I finished) so starting next week I'll have to come up with something else to do, but I'll cross that road when I get there! I'll get my runs in - its just a matter of if I do it before work or after work and how much I value my sleep :-P

W5D2 Workout:
Warm Up
Run for 8 minutes at 6.5 MPH
Recover for 5 minutes at 3.5 MPH
Run for 8 minutes at 6.5 MPH
Cool Down (i.e. walk briskly back to my desk and cool down there! haha)

Total Distance Traveled: 2.18 miles
Total Workout Time: 29 Minutes
Total Calorie Burn: 285 Calories

Not sure if I'll run again today - but whenever I say that I always manage to squeeze another run in. I don't have Zumba today, so I really might try to get another one in to make sure I'm moving enough today! If I do, I'll post another update later! Hope you all have a great day!!

Total Miles Ran in 2011: 67.38 Miles
Total Calories Burned "Running From My Issues": 9,647 Calories GONE

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