Today was "Wear Your Favorite Concert T-Shirt" day at work - so I'm sportin' my 5 Finger Death Punch shirt I got at their show last year. While its not my favorite concert, it was the only one I could find at 445 this morning so it works :-D
I brought my running shoes to work again (they have a permanent home in my car now so I can run on a whim if I need to) and I was able to knock out a mile on my first break! I was stoked to be able to comfortably run the 9:15 pace in my concert shirt & relatively snug blue jeans!!
SEE - this is me POST run!!! (I flipped the picture around so the "5" on my FFDP shirt wasn't backwards in the mirror - my OCD kicked in! haha!)
I actually had a coworker comment today that they can tell I've been losing weight (which was really special!) I've been pretty vocal about my weight loss goals and running goals to help justify to them why I don't participate in potlucks and such - so everyone knows about it. Its really nice to hear that my hard work is starting to be visible! She said my face is looking leaner and that I'm looking really good (SCORE for less chubby faces! haha!) - I told her that really meant a lot and I appreciated it! I think I've also convinced her to come to my Zumba class tomorrow - so hopefully she'll get a great workout too!
Anyways, I felt better post run, as I always do these days. I can't wait until its another running day (Sunday) but I have Zumba in the meantime which will be awesome! Tonight is Curves, tomorrow is Baila and Saturday morning is Curves. I also picked up a new personal training client and we are starting together on Saturday as well. I am super stoked to help her reach her fitness goals!! I got word from the After School program that the schedule looks great and I'm super excited to get that started as well! That program will start in September and end at the end of April! Its going to be a busy few months, but it will be totally worth it!
I think that's about it for me - tomorrow is payday, so I can continue working to save some money to pay off more debt by the end of next month. I have a $1300 credit card balance that I'd like to get completely paid off between now and then. It will be a stretch - but its do-able. Its actually additional motivation to keep eating better - since when I eat at home its cheaper than eating out! haha! My car also desperately needs new tires, so I'll be trying to get it into the shop in the next few weeks as well. Oh and I need to replace my windshield - it got hit with a rock and now has a crack in it...its annoying...but I found an awesome glass guy who said he'll replace it for free because I have full insurance on the car! Gotta love it! Life is busy though so I'll have to figure out when I can do that. Hopefully soon.
I also noticed I've really been adding to my mileage over the past few weeks! Maybe I'll surpass 100 miles by the end of July or Mid-August! That would be awesome!!!
Total Miles Ran in 2011: 69.38 Miles
Total Calories Burned "Running From My Issues": 9,937 Calories GONE
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