Hubby and I went out to eat on Friday night - since I'd already messed up that day, another meal won't hurt. Then we went home and I was a lazy ass all night. Saturday morning we woke up, grabbed tacos for breakfast (once again, I didn't give a f*ck) and were supposed to meet friends for lunch at 1230. Due to some delays, we didn't get together until almost 230. They live right near a Dairy Queen, so we all decided to just walk over there and grab burgers & ice cream.
Then we split up - boys went computer shopping and me and my friend ran some errands. While we were driving, we drove past THIS:
OMG a WEINERMOBILE!! I haven't seen one since I was a kid, and my friend had NEVER seen one - so needless to say, we went weiner hunting. We flipped a u-turn and hunted down the weiner. It was awesome. We got whistles too!! Wahoo!
After running some more errands, we all came back out to our place (they stayed with us on Saturday) and we all went out to dinner at a local BBQ place. I didn't over eat - but I did have a beer that totally wiped me out. I was SO tired that night after drinking that I passed out around 10! EEP!
Sunday morning, we woke up and went shopping for breakfast foods. We were a little indecisive so we ended up with chocolate chip pancakes, turkey sausage, bacon, biscuits and gravy, eggs & juice...needless to say we fed 4 people with enough to feed an army!
We were so stuffed! And we munched on the leftovers for the rest of the day. It was a total lazy day. We watched Tangled and Cars 2 - the boys played on the computers and we just all vegged out. Overall it was a good day, but I just ate way too much.
I woke up this morning feeling a little junky. Just tired and run down. I don't like this feeling and want to get the strong me back again. I'm sure my workout on lunch will help with this. I talked with the hubby a little bit this morning about it. I can't do 3 days of crap eating anymore, and its really hard when our weekends are surrounded by friends & family & crappy food. Not that I mind the friends & family, but I need to be able to have healthier options available. He completely understands and from now on we will limit ourselves to only one cheat meal a week (which is a big change from 3 days of cheating!)
I'm thinking this will really help out. I want to reach my goals, but I'm slowly starting to realize that I can't do this on my own - which isn't a bad thing. I like having the support of my hubby. I like being able to talk to him about what I'm eating and doing. And I like him being able to do the same with me. Being able to share this with him this time around is going to make the biggest impact. I won't drop weight then gain it back because I'm struggling to keep up with eating out. He and I are doing this together and I'm so happy about that.
I just need to get over my funk today and I'll be alright. Today I have Curves and my kettlebell workout planned for lunch. I'm thinking arms & shoulders will be done today...or chest & back...not sure. I'll decide though. Anyways, hope you all are doing well and I'm looking forward to better food weekends in the future!
OH - in brighter news, I got my information for my Personal Training Re-Certification and I passed! I'm now certified through April of 2014! Yippee!! At least I've got that going for me! haha! Now I need to decide what continuing education courses I want to take. Last time I did the fitness nutrition. This time around I think I'll do a specialty Bosu training and endurance nutrition...that sounds super fun!
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