So - I made myself something new for breakfast that was really different (for me at least) but it was super yummy! I had to tweak the recipe a little bit - but it worked out well!! Once again, I can't wait to see what I can do with this one! Next time I might use some Greek yogurt to thicken it up a bit, but overall I'm happy with the way it came out
Here is - Rice Pudding made with Almond Milk topped with Dried Cranberries!
It was super yummy and it kept me nice and full for a few hours - which is awesome! It was a little time consuming to make - so I want to try to simplify it down so I can make it a regular breakfast during the work week. We'll see how that works out, but this modification of the recipe came to 388 calories, 7.3g of fat, 68.3g of Carbs, 10.5g of Protein, 144mg of Sodium, 265mg of Potassium & 5g of Fiber. Not too shabby for a breakfast!
After letting my food settle a little bit - I got in my last workout of Week 1 of 10K training! It went awesome! I know I originally said that Sundays would be outdoor running days - but I don't have anyone to watch the kiddo right now, so I chose to stick with the treadmill (and probably will for the next few weeks). To push myself a little harder, I added an incline to the second half of it and I can definitely tell a difference! My legs were totally wiped at the end of it!
Warm Up
Run for 60 Seconds at 6.0 MPH
Recover for 90 seconds at 3.5 MPH
Run for 60 Seconds at 6.5 MPH
Recover for 90 Seconds at 3.5 MPH
Run for 60 Seconds at 7.0 MPH
Recover for 90 Seconds at 3.5 MPH
Run for 60 Seconds at 7.0 MPH
Recover for 90 Seconds at 3.5 MPH - Raised Treadmill to 2% Grade
Run for 60 Seconds at 7.0 MPH
Recover for 90 Seconds at 3.5 MPH
Run for 60 Seconds at 7.0 MPH
Recover for 90 Seconds at 3.5 MPH
Run for 60 Seconds at 7.0 MPH
Recover for 90 Seconds at 3.5 MPH
Run for 60 Seconds at 7.5 MPH
Cool Down
Total Workout Time: 31 Minutes
Total Distance Traveled: 2.06 miles
Total Calories Burned: 260 calories
Today is off to spend time with grandparents and friends for Father's Day. We are going to TGI Friday's for lunch - and I honestly haven't been there in SO long I have no idea what to order that's reasonably healthy. I've been doing so well the past few days that I don't want to ruin it today. I'm going to see if I can find their menu online and try to keep my lunch around 400 cals - which is tough for eating out, but it IS possible! We'll see if I can do it at this restaurant!
Tomorrow is back to Zumba at Baila! Last week's class went really well - hopefully tomorrow will be just as awesome! I've had a few more days to practice the new songs - so I am getting lots more confident in my choreo for those songs
Total Miles Ran in 2011: 40.63 Miles
Total Calories Burned "Running From My Issues": 6,031 Calories GONE
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