This morning I was back down to 178.2lbs so I got all the water weight off yesterday from this past weekend! Woot! I'm enjoying feeling leaner again! Last night for dinner, I made a Veggie Stir Fry with Whole Wheat Spaghetti that was definitely yummy - it was lacking something though. It had baby corn, water chestnuts, snow peas, peppers & other yummy stuff. Might throw in some shrimp or chicken next time just to liven it up a bit! OH - and this WHOLE bowl was only 255 calories!! Woot!!!
This morning was spot on again! Had a cup of greek yogurt with sliced pears & banana - super yummy and totaled 375 calories
Lunch was 2 cups whole wheat pasta, with pasta sauce & some cheese on top - totaling 378 calories. It was yummy, but I forgot to grab a picture of it (sorry!)
Today we celebrated my boss' birthday at work, so they brought in birthday cake. I allowed myself a piece with minimal frosting (never really like the stuff anyways) and had a piece that was about 2"X 2". It was a nice little treat that didn't put me over my calories for the day - which is always awesome!
Tonight is Zumba again!! Excited to do the new Circuit tonight - the ladies are getting more confident with it, which is always super fun!!! I always love Zumba nights! I also have a meeting with the owner of the other dance studio today - we are working out a new schedule for July - so hopefully that will go well *fingers crossed*
Tomorrow is a running day (woot!) and I'm totally looking forward to that! It should be super fun! This week is Week 2 of the program! Wahoo!! Making progress!!!
I think that's about it - not much else going on! I am planning a grilled cheese sammich for dinner - I figured out a way to make it super yummy for only 140 calories a sammich!!! Go me!!! :-D
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