I forgot to log in and update this thing yesterday - woops! Oh well, I'll get caught up today! Yesterday, I ran another mile under 10 mins - which proves that Mile 11 wasn't a fluke!! I am so proud of myself!! I find that if I put on some good music I can run faster than I expect!
Today I finished Mile 13 - the halfway point! Woot! I ran it in 11:03 - which is a little slower, but I forgot to put a belt on this morning and I'm in hip hugger jeans - not the best equation for a quick run. I had to tie my fleece around my hips to get through my run! Won't be making that mistake again! haha!
Anyways, I realized that my faster runs (sub-10 mins) push my body significantly harder than the ones longer than 10 mins, even if I get the same amount of calorie burn out of it. I have DOMS in different parts of my legs and it feels awesome! My inner thighs & hamstrings haven't been this sore in months - and I'm loving every minute of it!!! Bring on the pain!!!
My Zumba Certification is in a week and I am really looking forward to it. I haven't been able to get a lot of time for Zumba recently, but am going to get a workout in this afternoon or tomorrow for sure.
My nutrition has been good - I've been hitting my calorie count every day this week. Not seeing much progress though as the scale has been hovering around the same range. I think my sodium counts are too high and I'm retaining water weight. As of Sunday, I am going on a 5 day nutritional overhaul that should help get some of this water weight off - I'm excited about it! I am looking forward to getting back on track. I've been eating funky for a few weeks now (within calorie ranges, but not the healthiest of choices) and my body is actually craving healthier options! Bring on the veggies!!!
Here's my Miles 12 & 13 information:
My Marathon to Christmas - Mile 12
Total Time: 9:52
Speed: 6.0-7.0 on Treadmill
Total Calories Burned: 150
My Marathon to Christmas - Mile 13
Total Time: 11:03
Speed: 5.0-6.0 on Treadmill
Total Calories Burned: 155
I've noticed my calorie burns are coming down as well - which means that I am bringing my cardiovascular abilities up! Woot! I'm happy about that! Healthy hearts are happy!
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