Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Marathon Mile 19!!

Wow! Things just keep getting better and better! I didn't sleep too well last night, but once I was awake I felt great again - this is something I attribute to the great nutrition I've been having over the past few days! I am down 2.5 pounds and feel awesome!

My Zumba certification is on Friday and they're expecting snow in the area - go figure! The one day I have to drive 70 miles for a class is the day they're expecting snow. I'll get there come hell or high water - but it might be an adventure!

I ran Marathon Mile 19 in my fastest yet - 9:35!!! I am so stoked!! I am going to TRY to get my remaining miles in less than 10 mins each - we will have to see how that goes! I only have 7 miles left until I am finished! Woot! If everything continues on this route, I might actually finish the Marathon this weekend! Yippee!

My Marathon to Christmas - Mile 19
Total Time: 9:35
Speed: 6.0-7.0 (though I averaged a 6.2 throughout most of the run)
Total Calories Burned: 152 (including a 5 min cool down)

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