So here's my workouts from the beginning of my new program, which was June 19th through yesterday June 22nd
Day One: June 19th 2010
Density Workout performed circuit style with 3 circuits
Circuit One
Reverse Lunge with Javelin Press - 30 sec per leg
Set 1: 10 right leg/14 left leg with 10lb weight
Set 2: 14 right leg/13 left leg with 12.5lb weight
Dumbbell Swing - 45 seconds
Set 1: 23 completed with 15lb weight
Set 2: 24 completed with 17.5lb weight
Jump Squats - 45 seconds
Set 1: 35 completed
Set 2: 33 Completed
Traveling Hand Walkouts - 60 seconds
Set 1: 8 completed
Set 2: 6 completed
Circuit Two
Push Up Walks on Medicine Ball (set of 3) - 30 Seconds
Set 1: 4 Completed
Set 2: 5 Completed
Dumbbell Row - 35 seconds
Set 1: 20 reps with 10lb weights
Set 2: 20 reps with 15lb weights
Goblet Squat - 45 seconds
Set 1: 23 reps with 15lb weights
Set 2: 23 reps with 25lb weights
Dumbbell Curl-to-Press - 25 seconds
Set 1: 6 reps with 10lb weights each arm
Set 2: 6 reps with 15lb weights each arm
Circuit Three
Y-Press - 45 seconds
Set 1: 18 reps with 10lb weights each arm
Set 2: 10 reps with 15lb weights each arm
Garhammer Raise - 60 seconds
Set 1: 35 completed
Set 2: 35 completed
Total Workout Time: 60 mins
Total Calories Burned: 495
Day Two: June 20th 2010
Lactic Acid Workout performed circuit style with 3 circuits - slower movements required and lighter weights
Circuit One
Alternating Dumbbell Press
10lbs each arm x 12 reps, 10lbs each arm X 12 reps, 10lbs each arm X 12 reps
Overhead Bulgarian Split Squats
15 per leg performed 3 times
Bent Over Lateral Raises
7.5lbs each arm X 8 reps, 5lbs each arm X 8 reps, 5lbs each arm X 8 reps
Dynamic Interrupt
Depth Jumps to Jump Squats - 5 total
Side Plank - 25 seconds each side
Circuit Two
Face Down Dumbbell Row
10lbs each arm X 12 reps, 10lbs each arm X 12 reps, 10lbs each arm X 12 reps
Barbell Romanian Deadlifts
50lbs X 15 reps, 50lbs X 15 reps, 50lbs X 15 reps
5lbs X 10, 5lbs X 10, 5lbs X 10
Dynamic Finisher
Plank Position held for 60 seconds
Mountain Jumpers - 35 completed in 45 seconds
Circuit Three
Twisting Crunch on Swiss Ball
10lbs X 8 per side, 10lbs X 8 per side, 10lbs X 8 per side
Bodyweight Squats
3 sets of 10
Total Workout Time: 90 Mins
Total Calories Burned: 545
Day Three: June 21st 2010
Strength Training Full Body Workout performed circuit style with 2 circuits
Circuit One
Barbell Romanian Deadlift - Total 35
80lbs X 8 reps, 95lbs X 7 reps, 95lbs 7 reps, 95lbs 6 reps, 95lbs X 7 reps
Dumbbell Fly Away - Total 30
10lbs each arm X 8 reps, 12.5lbs each arm X 7 reps, 15lbs each arm X 7 reps, 15lbs each arm X 8 reps
Face-down Dumbbell Row - Total 25
15lbs each arm X 10 reps, 17.5lbs each arm X 10 reps, 20lbs each arm X 5 reps
Dynamic Interrupt
Alternating 3-way Lunges (bodyweight) for 90 Seconds - 8 per leg completed (24 lunges total)
Bulgarian Split Jump - 20 seconds per leg - 17 per leg completed
Circuit Two
Goblet Stationary Lunge - Total 25 per leg
20lbs per leg X 10 reps, 20lbs per leg X 10 reps, 20lbs per leg X 5 reps
Arnold Punch - Total 40 per arm
15lbs X 10 reps per arm, 15lbs X 15 reps per arm, 15lbs X 15 reps per arm
Upright Row - Total 30
50lbs X 8 reps, 50lbs X 8 reps, 50lbs X 7 reps, 50lbs X 7 reps
Dynamic Finisher
Push Ups until Failure - 20 completed
Jumping Jacks - 200 total completed in 3 mins 59 sec
Total Workout Time: 75 mins
Total Calories Burned: 418
Day Four: June 22nd 2010
Dynamic Workout performed circuit style with 3 circuits
Circuit One
3-way Lunge
30lbs X 4 per leg (12 total lunges), 30lbs X 4 per leg (12 total lunges), 30lbs X 4 per leg (12 total lunges)
Alternating Chest Press
15lbs X 10 per arm, 15lbs X 10 per arm, 15lbs X 10 per arm
Explosive Switch Row
15lbs X 10 per arm, 15lbs X 10 per arm, 15lbs X 10 per arm
Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift
30lbs X 10 per leg, 30lbs X 10 per leg, 30lbs X 10 per leg
Elevated Tip-Toe Walkout
3 sets of 5 completed
Circuit Two
Deep Bend Dumbbell Row
15lbs X 8 per arm, 15lbs X 8 per arm, 15lbs X 8 per arm
Depth Jump to Squat Jump
3 sets of 6 completed
Side Press
10lbs X 8 per arm, 10lbs X 8 per arm, 10lbs X 8 per arm
Lying Hip Raise
3 sets of 10 raises per leg elevated to bench height
Circuit Three
Plank held for 30 seconds, immediately into Push Ups - 20 completed, immediately into Plank held for 29 seconds immediately into Push Ups - 15 completed
Total Workout Time: 72 mins
Total Calories Burned: 451
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