So it was a good weekend - though too short as always. Saturday, I got out for an awesome interval run! It was nice to be running outdoors again!! That workout looked like this:
Warm Up - 5 min walk
Run for 20 minutes
Walk for 5 minutes
Run for 10 minutes
Walk for 5 minutes
Run for 5 minutes
Cool Down walk back to the house
Total Workout Time: 1 hour
Total Distance Ran: 3.83 miles
Today, I'm back at work. Nutrition is back on track after going a little wonky yesterday. I knocked out the Chest & Back Kettlebell workout today at lunch, but it didn't feel like much of a challenge, so I think I need to increase my weights with it. Tonight is Zumba, which should be super fun. Otherwise, just trying to relax and chill as much as possible - after school program starts in 2 weeks! EEP!
Miles Ran Towards A Better Me in 2012: 23.94 Miles
Total Amount of Joy I've Found From My Running Shoes: Priceless!!!!
Hey, I think I got your comment, but it seems to have disappeared from my site, so I'll try to remember what I can.
ReplyDeleteFor me, doing the Whole30 was more about getting the last bit of crap out of my diet -- the preservatives and added sugar (and I guess soy, too). I decided to do it because I bought a cookbook called WellFed that had good, easy, basic recipes and they happened to be Whole30 friendly, so I figured if I was going to be cooking out of this book frequently, I might as well see what this Whole30 thing was about.
She did this thing called "hot plates" where you spend about two hours on Sunday prepping all your food for the week: grilling meat, chopping veggies, baking or sauteing anything that would require extra time, so that when it was time to make dinner, you just threw ingredients into a pan and cooked them up. It's kinda changed my life, and I found that I barely used the cookbook! Now I'm going to my cookbook to look for recipes that use what I have hanging around, instead of finding a recipe and basing my shopping list on that.
So I think in short, no, I'm not using anything that's specifically Whole30, but this way of cooking food just kinda lends itself to a Whole30 way of eating.