Yesterday, I had a minor freak out - thankfully only the hubby got the brunt of it and no one else got to enjoy my wrath. I have been on this eating plan for about 6 weeks now and I've been losing & gaining the same 6 pounds the whole time (weekends are my downfall). I am trying to get better at it, but it was frustrating to not see any progress.
So I totally vented to him yesterday, he tried to make me feel better - because he's so fabulous, I drank some caffeine, took a nap then magically felt better. Anyways, after all that girly drama, I woke up today and dropped another 2 pounds for a total loss of 9 pounds since I started!! Go figure! I'm the lowest I've been in months and definitely back on the right track! Maybe I should throw a drama fit more often :-P
Anyways, before my Zumba class yesterday - I got bored and managed to snap a really cool photo of myself. My eyes are naturally hazel with a lot of green & blue in them, but most of the time the brown overtakes the green in the photos(unless there's really good lighting) - so needless to say, I was SO excited when I snapped this pic of myself! Would have been better if I'd been smiling, but still - I like the pic a lot!
Hello Green Eyes!!!
OH - remember that 3rd pair of earrings I got for Christmas but forgot to take pics of...I'm wearing them here...aren't they fun??
Anyways, after being cranky most of the morning, taking a nap, snapping a cool pic of my eyes and ultimately feeling better, I headed off to my first of 3 Zumba classes for the day. In case some of you aren't aware, I teach Zumbatomic (i.e. Zumba for kids) for an after school program in my city. So my first class of the day was at an elementary school and was super fun. I only had the older kids yesterday since the younger ones were in a "presentation" in the next room over. Little did I know, an ambassador from our local zoo was there with some critters!!!
SO - when Zumba was over, I ran next door and he let me see some of his animals!! They were so awesome!! First of all, some of you might not think this is a big deal...but I have NEVER seen an armadillo up close before. And OMG it was the cutest little cantaloupe with legs that I've ever seen!!! If it wasn't totally cruel to keep a wild animal - I'd totally want one as a pet!!!
Seeing the armadillo totally *MADE* my day so much better!! THEN - the guy opened up a cooler and let me see this -
Anyways, needless to say I was in a fabulous mood throughout the rest of my day. The rest of my Zumba classes went great and I slept really well! It rained last night and I always sleep better when it rains! AND I woke up to my lower weight (as I said before) - so overall its a great day!!
Just for a little update - as of this morning I was at 2,000 swings into my "10,000 Kettlebell Swings Challenge" and I totally ROCKED it today at work!! I'm really enjoying this challenge and already seeing some great muscle definition changes in my back - woot!! I snapped some pics of my back yesterday and OMG I'm seeing lots of awesome muscle bumps back there!! Can't wait to see the changes in the next few weeks!!
So back to today's awesomeness....not sure what got into me, but I had BOUNDLESS energy today (and I'm still kinda bouncing off the walls a little bit) and I got 725 swings done at work today!!! 725 SWINGS!!! EEP!!! Definitely excited about that!! I got 125 done on my first break, 400 done on lunch and the last 200 done on my last break. I feel like a bad ass! I'm really taking the time to focus on my form and I'm noticing strength improvements all over!!! I'm keeping the weight at the 10 pounder for now and probably going to keep it there for a while. With all my classes, I don't want to risk overtraining - and by correcting my form and using less momentum than I was before, I'm getting challenged by this weight again - so I'm thrilled!
Kettlebell Swings Challenge
Double Arm Swings with Squats: 8 sets of 25 reps
Single Arm Swings (Right) with Squats: 7 sets of 25 reps
Single Arm Swings (Left) with Squats: 7 sets of 25 reps
No Squat Swings: 7 sets of 25 reps
Total Workout Time: 44 mins
Total Calories Burned: 270 Calories Burned
Total Swings: 725!!!!
I think that's about it for me! I hope you all have a fabulous day!!
The "10,000 Kettlebell Swing Challenge" Total Count: 2,725 Swings
Total Time Spent Whoopin' My Bum into Shape: 154 mins
Total Calories Burned Kickin' My Ass: 970 Calories Torched
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