Then Saturday morning, I had my normal Zumba class at Curves in the morning, dashed to grab some food then headed to a ZIN Jam Session (which was a 3 hour choreography session with Grace) and it was super fun!!! We learned 5 new songs and though I liked them, I really think I'm only going to use 3 of them in my classes. The other 2 might be a little complex for my Curves ladies.
Here's some pics of Grace & I after the Jam Session - we had fun! I burned a total of 1530 calories doing Zumba that day! Woot!
Nutrition was a little funky this weekend and my weight is up again. After my Jam Session, the hubby and I went out for BBQ foods, which was yummy and my tummy handled it okay. Yesterday, I slept in and got in a mile run in my spiffy new shoes before meeting the hubby for lunch at 5 Guys (super yummy!)
My new shoes were AWESOME!!! I loved them and can't wait to try them out for another longer run (hopefully today!)
After that, I went to the grocery store, went home, trained a client, went to a friend's house to dye her hair and then all of us met Tom after work and went out to dinner at Turtle Mountain Brewing. We all split chicken wings & hummus as an appetizer, and I got a pizza with a red pepper sauce, mozzarella, zucchini slices, artichoke and salami - which was divine! I also got a really enjoyable cherry beer (definitely very summery!) and we had a blast! Its been forever since we went to Turtle, so it was nice to kick back and enjoy ourselves
My "Pink" Beer :-D
After a few days of eating funky (even though I'd worked my tail off this weekend) my tummy started acting up again last night. Nothing as bad as last week, but definitely enough to make me pay attention and not be in the best of moods. The hubby and I relaxed on the couch and watched "Necessary Roughness" (a super cute new show!) and I went to bed a little early. Today I've kept my food all vegan so far and feel a lot better. I'm pushing fluids and hopefully will continue to improve! Weight was up at a squishy 182lbs, but I really can't complain much because I ate like hell this weekend.
This morning's breakfast was a cinnamon spice alternative bagel and rice pudding made with almond milk, blackberry preserves and some dried cranberries - totalling 409 calories! Gotta love healthy filling breakfasts! Great way to start the day!
I'm going to do everything I can to keep nutrition in line over the next few weeks. As we get closer to our friend's wedding, the weekends start getting crazy - so I'm going to do the best I can and not beat myself up over having to eat on the go if things get busy.
Also, I have decided that I need to bring some more strength training into my program again. Through the glory of the internet, I found some great kettlebell workouts that are only 20 mins per day - so I think I'll be incorporating those into my routine. 20 minutes is something I think I can manage without being too overwhelmed so I think it will work out well! I'll have to see how many days I can fit in - I'm thinking I'll start out with 3 or 4 a week and see how it goes! Anyways, I think that's about it. It was a crazy busy weekend and I'm ready to get back to my quiet boring life! haha!
Running workout is planned for today - hopefully I'll be able to get a nice LSR in there. Depends on how much time I've got! I hope you all are doing well!!! Have a great day!
Total Miles Ran in 2011: 99.71 Miles
Total Calories Burned "Running From My Issues": 14,584 Calories GONE
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