Not sure if I'll buy this again, but I'm glad I tried it. I didn't get a lot out of the container (2 servings for almost $4 for the whole box VS pasta which is cheaper and I get more) and the calorie count is higher than pasta is, but it was a yummy little treat! I brought the leftovers for lunch today at work.
The only unfortunate thing about yesterday was my calorie count - it was a little low for my liking. I think I am fighting a really mild cold (the joys of living a healthy lifestyle, the illnesses are REALLY minor!) considering the brain fog I experienced on Wednesday and my lack of hunger yesterday. I just wasn't really hungry yesterday so it was hard to get my calorie count to anything decent. I figure it doesn't happen often (lord knows I love my food!) so I am just trying to ignore the low calorie day and keep myself healthy. I am learning to trust that my body is going to tell me what is right for it - and yesterday it just told me to rest, so I did.
Anyways, back to yesterday - in the afternoon, I got an email from a woman in Placitas who wants me to teach Zumba classes out there 2 days a week in the afternoons so I am thrilled to be able to pick those up! ALSO, I got the Saturday classes at my Curves location! Woot! So that means that hopefully within the next 2 weeks, I'll be adding 3 more classes/workouts into my schedule (for hopefully around an extra $300 a month if not more! woot!)
So with that being said - I recently added 3 workouts to my schedule to keep myself in shape (my strength training) - and now I need to add an additional 3 classes to my schedule for work for a total of 6 additional workouts a week on top of the ones I'm already doing. Initially, I only added the 3 as I didn't want to push myself too hard too fast - I don't think I want to see what would happen if I added 3 additional workouts to this new workout schedule. Needless to say, the strength training has to be put on hold until I can get myself adjusted to this new schedule. Plus I don't want to burn myself out. So - with that being said, my strength training workouts are ending after only 1 workout (unfortunately) - but I think the trade off is going to be worth it. The hubby and I can really use the extra money to help us pay off some bills.
So to get my strength training in as well, I will start incorporating the use of weighted gloves & hand weights into my Zumba in the Circuit workouts. I am already getting myself a good bodyweight workout with the choreography I've designed and I've been noticing some nice body changes due to keeping my nutrition in line the past few weeks, but now I just want to add a little bit of resistance training too. Also, Zumba created heavier versions of their current hand weights - I might have to pick those up as a gift to myself to make sure that I am getting the most out of my workouts in my classes.
So - today is Friday and I am stoked for the weekend! I have long overdue plans to meet up with a friend of mine I haven't seen since June of last year! EEK! I am looking forward to it so much! We also have plans to go over to a friend's house for a Lego build night tonight - which should be awesome! Those nights are always amazingly fabulous but they usually involve a lot of food and sometimes a little booze! I will post pictures of our creations when I update tomorrow! That being said, nutrition might be a little bit off tonight, but I will do the best I can to stay within a decent calorie count.
Just in case my weight hops up tomorrow and Sunday due to excess water weight, I did take measurements & weighed in this morning before work - so if I don't notice any additional progress by the time I weigh in on Sunday (my normal weigh in day) then I can use the information from Friday to track my progress. I stepped on to see a fabulous 174lbs on the scale this morning (WOOT!) and now I'm thinking it really might be possible to drop into the 160s by the end of this thing! I'm already down 8 pounds since I started and its been 3 weeks since I started, I could easily get down to or at least come close to seeing the 160s again by March 14th!
Oh - and just for cuteness, here's a picture of my Kitten Princess snoozing last night
Anyways, I think that's about it from here - its been a long week and I'm looking forward to the weekend! This weekend and next weekend we have some awesome plans coming up, so I am looking forward to it all! Now I just need to get through the next 7 hours of work without losing what sanity I have remaining! haha!
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