Friday, February 25, 2011

Vegan Day 12 is DONE!

So today was a much better day than yesterday was. It was a crazy morning (I forgot my breakfast at home, so I ate my rice for breakfast) but I stayed within my calorie count once again which is awesome. Been staying on track and will hopefully have a good weigh in tomorrow morning.

I got bored at work today - so I went and ran on the treadmill on one of my breaks today. I busted out a mile in 11:03 - not too shabby considering I haven't ran on a treadmill since December. I really don't think that's especially a bad thing considering I ran wearing this today and not workout clothes! haha! Go me!

Went grocery shopping for some more foodz today and will total up all the amounts tomorrow when I get a chance. Other than that, things are kind of quiet here (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) - the hubby and I are catching up on "Supernatural" tonight and looking forward to a relaxing evening at home.

Looking forward to tomorrow! Have a great night everyone!

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