Okay - so its about time I give you all another update from my world! Life has been super busy this summer but I'm loving every minute of it! School is going well, but its keeping me busy this summer since I'm taking a full 14 credits. We got our mid-term grades and I currently have an A in Nutrition, 87% in Psychology, 89% in Biology for Health Sciences, 88% in Chemistry, A in Biology Lab and a B in Chemistry lab. I'm super close to being at an A in psych, bio and chem that I'm trying to bring those grades up - but honestly, I'm thrilled with those grades! Biology & Chemistry are hard classes - so taking them both in the same term AND taking them both over the summer so the course is smashed into 12 weeks instead of 18 - well, I'm really pleased with my 89% and my 88% that I currently have in each of them!
I got registered for the fall semester and I'm super excited for my classes! I'll be taking Microbiology (which looks amazing!) & its lab, Anatomy & Physiology and its lab, analytical writing, communications and French 1. So once again, it will be a full course load - 18 credits this term, but I think it will be awesome. I've managed to coordinate all of them around my work schedule so I think its gonna work well & I can't wait to get started! Also, I'm only on campus 4 days a week and only for a few hours, so it won't interfere with my gym schedule at all! Yippee!
We've also been working on overhauling the house this summer too. Our spare bedroom had been a glorified storage closet ever since the roommates decided to trash it and move out. So a few weekends ago I decided to attack it & make it pretty again. So here's the "Before" of the extra bedroom in our house:
And here's the "After" - this took about 5 hours of organization, cleaning & the sacrificial death of our noble vacuum cleaner, but I absolutely love this room! Its now a display room for our comic toys, a library for all my books & a reading nook in the corner! I love it! And hubby was super surprised - I didn't tell him I was attacking the house....he just came home & it was done!
So, in other news - I've managed to keep up with a full-time job, 14 credits at school, reorganizing most of the house, spending time with the hubby and the kiddo & getting in at least 4-5 workouts a week. We go to the gym 4 days a week for classes and I have 1 day of yoga with one of my best friends on Wednesdays, which is awesome! Well, during some event during one of the things listed above, I tweaked the hell out of my knee about 2 weeks ago. At first, it felt like a hyperextension so I took it easy, but wasn't super concerned about it so I kept up with the normal routine.
Well, the knee wasn't happy with the normal routine and it swelled up to the size of a cantaloupe for about 4 days! As of last Tuesday, I took a hiatus from the gym and tried to be as lazy as possible to heal myself up. However, since a body in motion tends to stay in motion - I went absolutely batsh*t crazy & got super fidgety because I couldn't get any exercise in! I managed to stay off it for 5 days and then went back to the gym as of Sunday (and again yesterday). I was able to modify my workout to be mostly upper body with no strain on my knees and it worked really well!
So now, I'm back at the gym 4 days a week - modifying my workouts to accommodate my bum knee. It feels amazing to get moving again, even if I'm not 100%. I've got my knee wrapped in a compression bandage & I'm not kicking any bags. I'm substituting weighted arm exercises for squats & lunges (so my arms are gonna be thrashed once my knee is healed!) and with making those modifications, I can keep up with the rest of the class really well. Yesterday I had 90 mins of activity on my armband, so I'm guessing I did something right :-)
This has become a familiar sight on my couch recently! I'm gonna keep up with the modified workouts until I get my full ROM back in my knee & continue to wear the compression wrap for additional support and protection during my workouts. Little by little, I'm getting better....even if ice packs are my friends on a consistent basis :-)

Well, bum knee aside - I'm not letting it slow me down (much). I was a lazy X-Box playing brat for a few days but now I'm back to my normal active self....even if I am wobbling around a little bit when I walk. On Friday night, hubby took us all out for a fabulous dinner at the Brazilian Grill I've mentioned before - they send out birthday cards that give you a free meal, so we went and used mine since it's my birthday month! I decided I didn't wanna feel like a shlub with a bum knee, so I decided to dress up a little bit. I wore my fabulous grey cordoroys & this amazing new red top that I bought. I thought it was fun & I was getting compliments on my tattoos all night! haha!

Okay, so let's recap - summer is busy but awesome, got a 3.33 GPA in school with TWO science classes & labs, looking forward to fall semester, busted my knee but still managing to get workouts in and stay on track, I'm down about 15 pounds in total so far and I'm gaining muscle like crazy, so something is working right, we're redoing lots of areas in the house so I'll post pics as more of that gets done (the living room is next!) and overall - life is good! The hubby is fabulous & I adore my kiddo so things are awesome!
OH - and P.S. if you haven't seen Warm Bodies yet....DO IT!!!! That movie is amazing! Its seriously one of the best movies we've seen in a long time! I enjoyed it so much that I ordered the book, so I'm looking forward to reading it once it gets here!!!