Okay, so I know its been a while since I have posted here. A lot has happened in the past month and I'm slowly learning more about myself - which is a fabulous thing. I've been reading like crazy - already devoured 87 books this year! EEP! And I've been loving every minute of it - reading brings me a peace that is hard to find elsewhere (unless I'm on a treadmill)
We had taken in some friends as roommates - which caused me to become more reclusive than I've been in a long time. I had nowhere to go that was mine alone. My home gym was taken over by their boxes, my beloved treadmill was moved into the dining room & my living room was taken over by everyone's computers. Needless to say, I spent most of my time the past few months laying in bed reading. No bueno...due to unforeseen circumstances, the roommates had to move out and I'm comfortable again
The after school program has ended for the summer and I've already signed on to start again in September for next year (woot!) I got great feedback from the program and I'm looking forward to bringing it back. I'm still teaching 3 days a week at Curves and I'm loving their new owner - she is a total sweetheart!
Due to stress, I really wasn't paying attention to nutrition at all for weeks, but thankfully my weight maintained the same 5 pound fluctuation that it usually does, so all in all - I can't complain. In my months of hiding & reading, I wasn't moving around as much as I was used to - which made me cranky & restless.
Hubby and I signed up for a race in September, so training needed to start. I haven't ran since the Warrior Dash. I also got myself on a solid meal plan 2 weeks ago, and the weight is coming down again (I'm down about 4 pounds in almost 2 weeks - which is a good rate of loss) I started running again today on lunch with a coworker, which felt amazing to get back to it....I know I always say it, but I love running
Here's today's workout (I forgot to track my mileage when we finished, but I'm guessing it was about 1.5-1.75 miles - oops!)
Warm Up
Run for 60 seconds at 5.5
Walk at 3.5 for 90 seconds
Run for 60 seconds at 5.5
Walk at 3.5 for 90 seconds
Run for 60 seconds at 5.5
Walk at 3.5 for 90 seconds
Run for 60 seconds at 5.5
Walk at 3.5 for 90 seconds
Run for 60 seconds at 6.0
Walk at 3.5 for 90 seconds
Run for 60 seconds at 6.0
Walk at 3.5 for 90 seconds
Run for 60 seconds at 6.5
Walk at 3.5 for 90 seconds
Run for 60 seconds at 7.0
Walk at 3.5 for 90 seconds
Cool Down
Total Time: 22 Minutes
Amount of happy this workout gave me - priceless!
I'm going to slowly start updating here again the more I get back on track. I've been absent from Spark, and though I miss the regular updates from friends - I'm doing okay without it. I noticed I started feeling better the more I backed away from social networking - which probably means that I need to continue to stay away from it. I'm really liking the way life is going, so I'm thinking I'll keep updating this for the few readers I've got (including myself) and Facebook simply because that's where everyone is.
I've also backed away from tracking - its not healthy for me as I can become totally obsessive with a number. I have a general range of calories I hit, and its working. I've stopped wearing my BodyBugg, as I'm tired of being reminded of how "lazy" I am whenever I try to relax. To me - that wasn't living. I'm appreciating and enjoying things a lot more when I'm not so focused on what I'm doing & how much I'm burning. I'm noticing I'm moving more simply because I want to - not because I have to. I aim to be naturally healthy, not healthy because some device tells me that I am - and so far its working. I'm enjoying everything this past month has brought me, even if its been tough at times.
Hope everyone has a great day!